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How I Discovered Life’s Greatest Investments

Ever felt like you’re just going through the motions, ticking boxes towards a ‘healthy lifestyle’ without seeing the real gains?

Here’s how I cracked the code:

life isn’t about the routine; it’s a series of investments.

When I was just a kid, my dad was all about health talks, always on about how crucial it is.

Those words got me starting my days with exercise at the break of dawn. I was only 9, and back then, my whole idea of staying healthy was doing these little daily routines, nothing fancy.

But, you know, as I got into university, things took a 180.

I started seeing the bigger picture. Health, wealth, and life’s opportunities, they’re more than just doing a couple of sit-ups or jogging once in a while. They’re about staying in it for the long game, putting your heart into it. It’s all an investment if you ask me.

Here’s the thing: it’s not just about the health stuff. It’s about everything.

Eating right, hitting the gym, cutting down on the weekend beers, or nurturing relationships with your folks, your partner, or your buddies.

Steven Covey had it right, relationships are like bank accounts.

You do good, you show you care, and it’s like making deposits. Sure, life throws curveballs, and you need to make withdrawals. You might be cranky, say stuff you don’t mean, and need some slack. But if you’ve built up enough emotional capital, you’re good. The relationship stays solid.

But it’s not just the health or the people in your life. It’s about leveling up and acquiring skills that set you up for the future. Planning, thinking about where you want to be, that’s investing. Heck, even buying Bitcoin or whatever’s trending is part of the game, lol.

And don’t get me started on this digital age. It’s changed how I see things.

Posting on Medium, using the internet to your advantage, and building a following, that’s planting seeds for tomorrow. It bugs me to see folks just killing time on their phones, scrolling endlessly. They’re missing out!


They’re like buses. Miss one, and there’s always another coming.

Sure, I’ve had my moments of thinking I lost out. Like in 2006, I was kicking myself for missing the early internet days. Fast forward, and it was wishing I jumped on the Facebook bandwagon. And don’t even mention crypto. But 2020 was a wake-up call. I was sulking about not growing on YouTube, and then it hit me. The show isn’t over. There’s always something brewing around the corner.

Now, it’s all about AI, getting your voice out there online, building a community. And you know what? I’m all in.

I get a kick out of it. But it’s more than fun, it’s strategizing.

You’ve got to know the payoffs take time. Instant results? That’s a myth.

It’s about sticking to it, and enjoying the grind, not just fantasizing about the finish line. I don’t buy into waiting for things to happen. I’m all about seeing the potential, and the investments, and making them work.

Every day’s a chance to evaluate what you’re putting your energy into. I’m constantly chatting with myself, pep talks, you know?

Telling myself these investments are shaping my future. I’m not about wasting time on stuff that doesn’t add up.

That said, there are things I just don’t get

Maybe it’s me getting older, hitting my 30s, but some stuff doesn’t fly anymore. Binge-watching TV, oversleeping, getting lost in social media nonsense. I see these as traps.

They’re not doing my future any favors.

Sometimes, I wonder if I’m too hard on myself, too picky.

My mates say I should chill more, and take life as it comes. But then, I look at their lives, and no offense, I don’t see them where I want to be.

So, I stick to my guns, but yeah, I get it. Enjoying the ride is key, but even chilling should be productive, you know? It’s got to serve the bigger plan.

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