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How To Be A Citizen Of The Internet

For years, I was a traveler of the internet.

I used to consume daily content, becoming engrossed in an idea only to forget it the next day.

I always thought social media was a waste of time — well, if you’re just a consumer or scroller, then yes, they are.

I used to have Instagram and Twitter accounts, deleting them later because I got addicted to them out of boredom.

Until early last year, I realized that social media is one of the best inventions of the 21st century.

Imagine a place where you can be surrounded by like-minded people, write to them, learn from others, and, most importantly, share your ideas.

Of course, you can also waste your time on platforms like Instagram, merely looking at models’ half-naked photos, but you can also build upon them.

That’s where I learned that I need to be a citizen of the internet, no longer just a traveler.

But how to be a citizen of the internet?

How to share your ideas and build a legacy on this global network.

At first, when you start, you don’t have many followers, no audiences, and no one to listen to you.

You might write the best posts on the internet, but because your reach is limited, your content goes unnoticed.

Now, I don’t have many followers, 315 Twitter followers and 78 Medium followers here are all I have.

But what I do daily is, I write to myself, I write to learn more, to connect dots, to gain wisdom on a topic.

I’m building my legacy with time, I’m owning part of the internet with my words, ideas, and stories.

Daily, I browse the internet, and different platforms for high-performing posts/ideas, then research into it, understand it better, and write, post, and create content about it.

You might ask if your content is not going to be unique or something others are interested in reading.

Actually, not true.

Every one of us on this planet has a unique story, characters, and vision of the world, which when combined with any idea, gives a different perspective.

All the things that needed to be said, have already been said.

But your perspective and view of it is unique and will be unique.

Writing Online

Writing is not easy. But everything can get easier after you do enough time.

If you want to get into the world of content creation or sharing your ideas on the internet, you need to get into writing.

Everything starts with writing:

  • Youtube script
  • Movies script
  • Books
  • Podcasts
  • News
  • Instagram shorts

At first, when you start you might have no idea what you’re doing.

Guess what?

None of us do. Ask anybody doing truly creative work, and they’ll tell you the truth: They don’t know where the good stuff comes from.

They just show up to do their thing.

Every day.

How to improve your writing?

Tell yourself what to do, write to tell yourself what to do.

We live in this world where everything is like an exchange of information.

  • When you are socializing, you are exchanging information with others.
  • When you are walking down the road, you are exchanging information with the environment.
  • When you are alone, you are exchanging information with yourself.

Any of this can (and should) be turned into content.

Think of this as your small personal project, something that you do for 1 hour daily.

Learn something new every day, and write it to yourself.

Over time, your small project can attract like-minded people, others start to connect and read your works.

Do it for 6 months, if you don’t like it. it’s ok

You either learn or win. there is no such thing as failure.

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