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It’s Normal To Be Confused (How Journaling Can Bring You Clarity)

Writing is a superpower, and journaling is a life hack.

In the mornings:

  • Write away your anger.
  • Write away your confusion.
  • Write away your frustration.

This alone is a life-changing activity.

It has changed my life. I’m sure it will change yours. Journaling will save you when you are at your worst and will take you to new heights when you are at your best.

Expressing my feelings allowed me to process emotion in a way I couldn’t before.

Nothing beats self-reflection on pen and paper.

Physically writing something is better than typing it up.

When you face a problem, write it down in a journal and sleep on it. This allows your subconscious brain to search for a solution overnight.

Problems that appear big in your head look small on paper.

Most of the problems are mind-made. Pure products of our minds.

By writing your thoughts down on a piece of paper, you not only process your emotions and fears, but you also realize that they’re not as bad as you thought.

This is a liberating exercise to free your mind.

A problem written about is already half solved.

Journaling has gotten me through many nights that seemed impossible and saved me many pointless conversations, pouring my feelings out to people who don’t want to hear them.

If you can’t say it out loud, write it down.


Write down what matters to you:

  • Write that silence.
  • Write down that guilt.
  • Grudge
  • Write off that weight on your chest.
  • Those sad dreams
  • Bad days
  • Write away that anxiety.
  • Those uneasy thoughts

Pen it down, release it, let it go, and wipe it off your memory.

More people should get into journaling.

Stop venting all the time to others. Talk to yourself more, no one knows exactly how you are feeling or what you are experiencing but you.

We are all at different stages in life; write to yourself.

This is a beautiful way to let your pain go.

When you release your story, it’s no longer stuck inside you, and you’re free.

Don’t let emotions build up; emotions are energy. Release those energies into the universe. Open the doors for good energies to flow into you.

Your chakras need them.

Need to be emotionally and mentally fit?


Need to make money?


Emotional control leads to mental clarity, clarity leads to direction, and direction leads to consistency.

A stable mind free of negative thoughts can achieve anything.

  • It’s a focused mind.
  • It’s a sharp mind.
  • It’s a free mind.

Writing Is Nearly The Same As Thinking

I’ve been writing a minimum of 30 minutes per day for 2 years.

One of the most interesting things I’ve noticed is how much clearer my thinking has become. Just one day, it’s suddenly very noticeable. But in reality, it’s been happening over time.

Journaling helps you review your “thoughts” and improve upon them.

It helps get your mind focused and unlocks the flow state. (the state you need for creativity)

Your brain is good for having ideas, not storing them. This is where journaling helps.

Thoughts gain a new meaning or shape into wisdom when they are written down.

One reason why you should journal is so you can read what you wrote a year ago and see how far you’ve come.

Tracking progress over time creates confidence.

Journaling is a great tool to access your subconscious thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

  • Journaling releases my chaos.
  • Journaling builds a writing habit.
  • Writing builds a thinking habit.
  • Thinking builds a growth mindset.

The most powerful daily habit you can form is writing.

Write down your emotions to have a free mind. Write down all the ideas that come to mind. Write to gain clarity on your problems and goals.

The mind tends toward disorder.

We all have that monkey mind that jumps from one place to another. A writing habit helps maintain a creative, clear, and focused mind.

In a world of endless distractions, journaling forces you to slow down and listen to your thoughts.

If you have a lot on your mind, write. It’s meditation.

  • It’s thought purification.
  • It’s self-guidance.
  • It’s the habit of all clear-minded thinkers.

Write to zoom out. Clear your mind. Gain a new perspective. Create order from chaos. Find solutions to problems.

Stop being stuck in your head.

Learning To Write Opens Many Doors

When you think about earning money digitally, it all relates to writing.

Journaling is writing to yourself; posting on social media is writing for other people.

Emotional control leads to consistency.

Mood swings are a result of our thoughts. Emotions.

Writing helps with mental stability.

If we can do a task today and are not in the mood to do it tomorrow, what has changed?

Our state of mind.

What has changed this state of mind? Our thoughts.

No external forces or environmental changes have influenced it.


We all know what we need to do to achieve our goals five years from now. But we are not willing to do it.

Many doors are closed to us. We closed those doors. We stopped letting them open.

Gain stability, clarity, and consistency by writing your thoughts and emotions daily.

This is a way to achieve goals.

Learn to discipline yourself, learn to write to yourself, and then write to others.

The internet is a big web of content.

  • Your writing for others is content.
  • Your YouTube video script is content
  • Your newsletter writing is content.
  • Your podcast writing is content.

How To Journal

The point of journaling isn’t to skim the surface.

It’s to gain a deeper understanding. You explore ideas. You dive into what makes you tick. You reflect on options and make better decisions.

I journal every single morning for at least 30 minutes.

I’ve been doing this since 2021.

Do not overcomplicate the act of journaling, you need to reflect on your emotions, get mental clarity, and set goals. That’s it.

Which is why I only answer four (4) questions:

Question #1: “How do I feel today?”

The very first thing I do is reflect on my internal mood and emotions.

  • What emotions are you feeling?
  • Where do those emotions come from?
  • What did you do yesterday that could affect those emotions?

Be thoughtful and pay attention.

Understanding your internal emotions and writing them down can help you release them.

Question #2: “What am I grateful for?”

This helps with positivity and a good vibe for the start of your day.

We are all grateful and appreciate life.

I remind myself of everything I’m grateful for:

  • My family
  • My life
  • Things I learned
  • Opportunities

No matter how challenging my life can be, I’m always grateful.

Gratitude leads to happiness and success.

Question #3: “What am I working on?”

One way to see journaling is as a way to program my subconscious mind.

By repeating and writing about your tasks daily, you train your mind and subconscious mind to work on them throughout the day.

  • Repeat goals
  • Repeat lessons
  • Repeat challenges and frustration

This helps with consistency and staying in the game until you achieve your goals.

Question #4: “What’s the end goal?”

Last, I look toward the future to remind myself of my long-term goals.

This helps to program my subconscious mind and create beliefs.

  • Where am I going to be 3 to 5 years from now?
  • What am I trying to achieve today that helps toward my goals?
  • What are the challenges and emotions I should go through?

This helps your mind get ready for thoughts, problems, or challenges ahead of time, so you don’t feel “caught off guard.”

But the true benefit of this question is that it will make you believe that you can do anything and achieve your goals.

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