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Navigating Twitter (X)

Among social media platforms, Twitter is the most useful.

At least in my idea.

It’s a text-based platform with few visuals, making searching for information and posting content easy. Compared to other visual platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok.

The quality of people on Twitter is also distinct. They’re less dopamine addicts and more achievers.

Twitter users are after something, to create something rather than be entertained.

This quality alone sets this platform apart from others.

Because of these qualities, I’m more inclined to focus on building and growing on X.

Growth on Twitter (X) isn’t easy; users are selfish. If you can’t add value to them, they won’t follow you.

To build on X, you need to build an audience. It all comes down to community building, communication, and engagement.

All are based on value.

I hope this guide makes the Twitter game a bit easier.

What do you want to do?

Before you do anything, you need to define your goals.

You can’t please everyone. If you try to write for everyone, you will end up writing for no one.

What’s the purpose of your Twitter presence?

Define your target audience, and talk to them only.

Determine whether you aim to increase:

  • Followers.
  • Generate leads.
  • Drive website traffic.
  • Establish thought leadership.

Link your content strategy with your goals to guide the content creation process effectively.


Understand your target audiences.

Conduct audience research and create audience personas to better understand who you’re trying to reach.

This knowledge will help you tailor your content to meet their needs and interests.

Be true to your pillars.

If your pillars are entrepreneurship, marketing, and productivity, Don’t post about cooking or football.

Your audience is focused on a specific niche category, and you don’t want to stray from it because you will lose some of them.

You need to understand:

  • What are their goals?
  • What are they struggling with?
  • What do they want to learn or achieve?
  • What are their demographics?

It’s all about knowing what your audience wants and giving it to them.

You need to try and establish yourself before even thinking about gaining some followers.


Interacting with others is the most crucial factor when creating a brand-new Twitter account.

Engagement builds trust, loyalty, and a community around your brand.

No one has a clue who you are yet.

You need to be active in commenting on other people’s posts; I suggest at least 50 comments daily.

Your comments should add value. Tell them your opinions, your experience, and your ideas.

Comment, connect, then DM.

Send out DMs, but avoid being needy or pushy.

You’ll be better received if you engage with their content briefly before reaching out.

Start conversations in the comments, ensuring you contribute to the conversation.

Focus on real interactions. Build lasting relationships.

Quote RTs are a cheat code

If you want to get the attention of an account you want to work with or network with, use a quote to retweet.

A viral post can have thousands of likes and 100s of RTs, but only 10 quote RTs.

Now you have their attention, say something meaningful.

The same as for comments, add to the conversation and say what the post did for you.

Engage with Your Audience

Actively engage with your audience by responding to:

  • Comments
  • Initiating conversations
  • Retweeting relevant content

Show genuine interest in your audience’s, opinions, feedback, or questions.


The key to building an audience is content creation.

Content is king, as Gary Vaynerchuk used to say.

If you don’t write good tweets, no growth hack in the world will help you.

To create good content, you need to have a strategy.

With the right content strategy, you can grow faster.

Consistent content helps you build:

  • Momentum
  • Maintain audience engagement
  • Increase your visibility on the platform.

Lots of paragraphs. Short words.

Long words make you sound smart, but they confuse everyone.

Plus, long words look ugly on mobile devices, and I believe most people use X on their phones.

The average person has a 4th-grade reading level. Write for them.

Make smart people think hard about something

The goal of every tweet is to tweet something people will think about at some point over the next few days.

Teach them about business, life, parenting, whatever.

Share about what you’re working on, even when it’s not perfect.

People love vulnerability & authenticity. Ask for advice if you hit roadblocks, people want to help.

Everybody on X is selfish.

You have two seconds when somebody scrolls by your post or clicks on your profile.

“What can I learn from this guy?” is all they think.

Show them quickly what value you can add.

When you’re small, tweet smart.

If you need more ideas on what to write, here are some:

  • Share engagement tips.
  • Spotlight Twitter success stories
  • Post about trends and strategies.
  • Provide productivity hacks.
  • Share your fitness journeys.
  • Engage with polls and Q&A.
  • Show your work behind the scenes.
  • Tweet actionable content.

Plan a mix of content types.

Diversify your content to keep your audience engaged.

Experiment with different formats to see what resonates most with your audience.

The more novel your content is, the more you’ll stand out.

Make your content easy to read

Write for skimming, not deep reading. 

Use bullet points. Remove jargon & buzzwords. Use white space to help words breathe.

Don’t write in long chunks of text. Use visuals if that helps.

Attract like-minded individuals. 

Be interesting to attract interested people.

Remember, building a successful presence on Twitter takes time and consistency.

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