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No BS Guide To Change Your Belief System

I’m 36.

Wish I knew about the belief system when I was in my 20s.

There are many “gurus” out there who are trying to teach you about the belief system.

Books like Think and Grow Rich etc…

Even though I was consuming all those “self-help”, and “personal development” books I never really grasped them.

At least not until a year ago.

Human psychology is weird, I’ve said this many times, but the reality is if we don’t believe in something we are not going to do it.

No matter what, regardless of the times we see successful, we listen to them or even have close friends who are successful.

Although people around you can influence your beliefs, deep down, you have to believe it.

My shocking moment came when one afternoon I sat down and wrote all the false negative beliefs I had.

I came up with more than 40 items or more, one a piece of A4 paper, one after another.

I wrote about relationships, money, my view of the world, friendship, etc.

That one piece of A4 paper was my life and reality in front of me.

Interesting, shocking, and at the same time scary.

The ugly fact is that how much of our reality is shaped by our beliefs. It’s hidden in our subconscious mind, shaping our reality, and little we know about it.

It’s scary because imagine if you can change those false, negative beliefs with the good ones you want.

How your life would be then?

One example that I can share with you is, that my bank account never has gone below $2k for the last 11 years, and it never has gone above $45k at the same time.

I had sort of this isolator or belief that, if my account was going to get below $2k then I needed to do something, I never allowed that.

And on the other side, as soon as I reached close to $40, unconsciously, I had plans to spend it, whether invest it, buy a car, etc.

My belief limit was set at $45k, and guess what? That was what I was trying to earn, save, and hold for the entire year.

My sneaky mind huh, but my reality.

Not sure where those numbers came from, but that was my comfort zone and reality.

After realizing my false beliefs, it was time to change them.

But how?

To understand that, I had to understand beliefs set in our minds based on repetition. If we see something enough or hear it a lot that shapes a belief in our mind.

Of course, our judgment can play a role here, for sure. For example, 2 people in one place, and one situation can have different beliefs about the experience.

We first experience something, then we tell a story to ourselves based on that experience and then that story shapes our beliefs about that particular thing.

Story, huh…

There is no doubt that stories are important, but before we create a story, we experience it.

In our physical world, usually, we don’t have control over the experiences we experience. We don’t have 100% control over our life.

Something can happen, we create a story in our mind based on that experience and that’s our new belief.

But in our internal life, we have control over both experience and story.

The mind can’t tell the difference between an imaginary experience and the real one.

In our physical world, our experiences are registered based on our five senses, we see, hear, touch, smell, and sense.

Without those senses, there is no experience, those are like transmitters to the brain.

But as a human, we have imagination.

Imagination can also create experience in the mind. If combined with emotions.

So often everyone talks about imagination, the secret, the law of attraction, etc… I’m pretty sure at least once you have tried them but never worked.

Because you were just trying to imagine, without trying to change the false belief, without bringing emotions.

At the most important of all, in your mind, you have to live it, live the experience.

With details, with smells, with sensations… Live it, enjoy it as it’s the real one.

But imagination alone is not the first step to achieve this, imagination needs to be like a patch, eraser of a false negative belief you have.

To tell It in simple words, the law of attraction, secret, or whatever works like this:

  1. Create a list of negative beliefs that you have, and try to track down the root of it (if you can)
  2. Change the words with opposite words, for instance: I don’t like luxury cars — To -> I’m living a life of luxury, I have sports cars and I enjoy driving them.
  3. Create affirmations and daily listen to them or read them (the power of repetition).
  4. Your affirmations should register an image and emotion when you say them, like a movie with real feelings, this way you create an experience in your brain, which to your mind experiences are real. You have to visualize it and see it, it has to register on an emotional level to believe to form.

Do this for 3 or 4 years, every day…

Don’t expect it to happen overnight, don’t write down your affirmations and leave them somewhere and wish it’s going to happen.

Your new beliefs will create new thoughts in your mind.

Your thoughts are shaping your future actions and by the power of time and compounded efforts, your goals are achievable.

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