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Claim Your Slice Of The Online Universe – Establish Your Presence On The Internet

Way back in 2009, fresh out of college with my bachelor’s degree in hand, I found myself being drawn to the world of internet marketing.

 But hey, this isn’t a story about that!

In those early days, my eyes were often glued to videos by internet gurus like Eben Pagan and Jeff Walker, who shared gems from programs like Double Your Dating or Product Launch.

At that point in time, emails were the trendiest way to communicate and share content with your audience (and they’re still pretty effective, by the way). Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Quora were either in their infancy or not even on the scene yet.

Every day, after clocking out of my 9–5 job, I would rush home and dive straight into personal growth materials from gurus like Brian Tracy, then switch back to insights from Eben, and so on. I was learning heaps but kept all that knowledge to myself.

Despite all the knowledge I was gaining, I was hesitant to share what I had learned. I had this nagging voice in my head telling me I had nothing worth sharing or that I needed to be a certified expert before I could make a splash online. 

Fast forward 12 years, and I wish I had thought differently.

I sometimes imagine where I could be now if I had started sharing my learnings earlier. Perhaps I’d have a larger piece of the market pie, a bigger bank account, or an even wider circle of friends.

But it’s ok, still not too late.

Let’s pivot and talk about the good, the bad, and the how-to of contributing value to others, sharing your knowledge, and stepping into the role of a creator.

The Internet: Consumers Vs. Creators

In the internet’s early days, it was like a newborn baby; not many people had a clear understanding of its potential. However, as time rolled on, a few folks grasped its possibilities and hitched a ride on this technology rocket.

Despite that, it’s surprising how about 95% of internet users remain passive, behaving much like they do in other aspects of life. The majority of us are more accustomed to consuming information and content rather than creating it.

The internet is a ginormous playground that caters to everyone, be it artists, salespersons, or kids looking for some fun. It hands you a stage to exhibit your creativity to the world, something that’s truly unprecedented in the history of mankind.

And guess what? 

This virtual playground is still expanding, with new users and technologies joining the party every single day. 

We’ve transitioned from the era of Web 1 (remember Internet Explorer, AOL, and Yahoo Messenger?), moved through the phase of Web 2 with social media and phone apps, and are now on the brink of Web 3, characterized by things like cryptocurrencies and digital wallets.

This digital frontier is brimming with opportunities for making money, adding value, and creating a legacy. Remember, it’s never too late to start something new. You don’t have to chase the latest internet trends; just follow your passion.

I like to think of the internet as my personal museum, where I contribute something new each day. 
I start with reading, then dive into studying, interpretation, and finally content creation, be it writing, making videos, or hosting podcasts. It’s a great way to share my ideas with the global community.

If you feel like you’re missing out on digital trends, it’s likely because you’re not actively participating. Instead, you’re benched on the sidelines, watching, consuming, and spending, but not creating.

Speak Out About Your Learnings

While some internet users prefer to keep to themselves and not contribute much, others are vibrant contributors who strive to assist others. Some folks consume new information daily and form opinions, but refrain from sharing their insights with the world.

One of the best brain workouts is to pen down your learnings and share them with others. It’s an excellent way to connect the dots and deepen your knowledge.

Remember, you’re not lecturing or teaching anyone; rather, you’re building your legacy and leaving your mark on the world. In the process, you gain a better understanding of yourself, becoming aware of what you know and what you don’t.

You Don’t Have To Be 100% Original 

The most successful writers and scientists are those who build upon the ideas of others while infusing their unique insights into the mix. 

As Michael Lynn Crews rightly said, “Books are built out of books”.

Think of it as a giant game of Lego, where you gather, analyze, and reflect upon different snippets of knowledge from various sources. You then interpret these pieces based on your viewpoint, assembling them into a creative masterpiece that you can share with the world.

This is your golden opportunity to devour knowledge from all angles. Help your readers get up to speed on the topic, making them feel like they’ve gained a solid understanding of it. This will likely spark their curiosity to learn even more about it.

And that’s exactly how you enlighten people about a topic and help them unravel its complexities.

The Age Of Information Abundance 

Thanks to the internet, we now have a treasure trove of information at our fingertips, reminiscent of a modern-day Renaissance in education.

Yet, not everyone harnesses this powerful tool effectively. Instead, most people squander their time and mental energy on social media or use the internet primarily for entertainment.

Over time, this can lead to dopamine addiction and a reduced attention span, disrupting various other aspects of life. Just like a muscle, your brain needs regular exercise and stretching to stay active and grow.
To keep your brain in top shape, it needs to engage in thinking, learning, and working.

Stand Out And Be Visible 

In today’s world, competition is skyrocketing every day. Life for the average 9–5 worker isn’t easy. 
Unlike the times of our grandparents, it’s not enough to just lead a simple life.

But on the bright side, compared to our grandparents’ era, it’s now easier to start a business, become an entrepreneur, and connect with people from around the globe.

Having a slice of the internet not only makes you visible to the world, but it also brings other perks like making new friends, exploring the world, increasing productivity, and personal growth.

As individuals, we need to earn our respect and honor. These aren’t handed out for free; they have to be earned.

 Our ancestors fought battles to earn respect. Today, we fight our own battles to secure a good life for ourselves and our families. And the internet is a potent weapon we can use in these battles.

Here’s a beginner’s guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Start Reading

If you’re clueless about what to say or what content to create, start by reading. Pick up books on topics that interest you. Take notes, reflect on what you’ve read, and try to understand it. 

Then, you’ll be able to write about these topics from your unique perspective. Start sharing your thoughts online, as this is the first step towards becoming an online content creator.

The first step might be as simple as tweeting or making a brief social media post. Always remember, you’re sharing your knowledge, not teaching, and you aren’t claiming to be an expert on anything. Don’t be afraid, take the leap and start sharing.

Step 2: Pick A Platform

You don’t need to be an expert on all social media platforms or have a large follower base. Choose one platform that you want to master first, then you can move on to others.

Be active and interesting, post every day, and engage with profiles sharing similar interests. Over time, you’ll be able to connect with larger accounts and grow your own. 

As you grow, you can use your social media platform to drive people to your website, where you can build your own community, sell products, and establish your online presence.

Step 3: Keep Going

Consistency is key. If you keep at it, fresh ideas will eventually come your way. Learn from those who’ve achieved what you aspire to do, take a leaf out of their book, and learn from their mistakes.

Connect with people on a similar journey as yours, provide value to them, and support them. They might come to your aid when you need it. By doing this, you’ll be able to create your own online community over time.

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