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Unmasking The Shortcomings Of Public Education: A Guide To Alternative Learning Strategies For Real-world Knowledge

Education, as we know it, has its pros.

Yet, I’ve come to believe that there’s something fundamentally flawed about the system we adhere to. My tale of disillusionment starts at the age of 7, the tender age when I’d strap on my backpack and march off to school. Why 7, you ask? Well, where I grew up, in the 90s, preschool wasn’t the norm, and I’m quite grateful for those extra years of freedom.

In my eyes, the school wasn’t a place of learning; it seemed more like a factory churning out compliant workers. I noticed this pattern early on: kids learning to obey, not question, being prepared for a life in an office cubicle.

My real learning, I can proudly say, came from self-study.

You see, during my school days, I found myself more engrossed in observing the teacher than the subject matter they taught. Arithmetic, physics, literature – none of it resonated. But when I’d come home, that’s when the real education began. My mother would help me cover the gaps left by the school day.

My journey didn’t end with school.

In 2009, I landed my first job at a data firm called Udirect. My life then was a humble one, commuting to work on a second-hand motorcycle, trying to save up and make ends meet.

The young boss of the company, an Asian man who drove a flashy BMW, made quite an impression. I couldn’t help but wonder, “What’s his secret? How can I climb the ladder of success and comfort like he has?”

This curiosity was a wake-up call and redirected my focus towards personal growth and learning.

This journey led me to a key realization:

“Conventional education, with its focus on maths, literature, physics, etc., often misses the mark. It’s real-world education that we need.”

That’s how we can truly live the life of our dreams, stay aware, and protect our interests.

So, if you’re like me, disillusioned with the standard schooling system and eager to step into a life of self-directed learning, know that you’re not alone. There’s a whole world of knowledge outside the four walls of a classroom waiting to be discovered.

Here’s a friendly guide to get you started:

Step 1: Start with You – Embrace Your Body

Your Body Language: Did you know that your physical presence and body language have a profound impact on your self-esteem, your brain chemistry, and even the way you make decisions? So let’s begin there. Try maintaining eye contact when engaging in a conversation. It’s a simple yet powerful way to convey trust and ooze self-confidence.

Active Lifestyle: Now, it’s time to get moving! Whether it’s hitting the gym, taking up yoga, or going for daily walks, adopting an active lifestyle can be a game-changer. Exercise is not only about shaping up but also about shedding away any negative thoughts, especially if you’ve been struggling with issues like being overweight, bouts of depression, or general low spirits. Believe me when I say, the emotional benefits you reap are as significant as the physical ones.

Nutrition Know-How: Now, let’s fuel up right! In this digital age, the internet is teeming with resources on nutrition. However, I’m all for keeping things simple and straightforward. Aim to reduce sugar and processed foods in your diet, replacing them with lean proteins, fresh fruits, and veggies.

Remember, eating, like everything else, is a habit. So, gradually working on healthier food choices can go a long way in improving your overall well-being.

The journey to self-education begins with self-care.

Once you’re feeling good about yourself, the rest of the steps become a whole lot easier.

Step 2: Dive Deeper Into Your Mind

Habit Hacking: Picture yourself as a beautiful mosaic made up of different habits. These habits, collected over time, shape your daily behaviours. Now, it takes about 30 days to form a new habit – think of it like a rocket launch. You’ll need some serious willpower (the fuel) for about the first 10 days (the countdown) to get this rocket off the ground.

Cultivating a positive mindset and healthy habits are crucial for your journey towards long-term success. You could consider making reading books, hitting the gym, learning new things, or dedicating time to grow your business a part of your daily routine.

You might be thinking, “If it just takes 30 days, why is forming a new habit so tough?” That, my friend, is all about consistency.

Consistency: Consistency is your secret sauce to success. It’s about being committed, showing up when others don’t, being in the moment, and doing the same thing every day until you see results.

So, if there’s one golden nugget you take away from this post, let it be this: Stay consistent. Keep learning. Keep growing. After all, the path to greatness is tread by consistent learners. Just ask any of history’s greatest thinkers, authors, or scientists!

Mindset Mastery: Now, imagine if you were a computer – your mindset would be the operating system. It’s pivotal in how you utilize your body and mind to achieve life’s goals. This mindset, good or bad, can be influenced by what you read, who you interact with, and what you learn.

Surround yourself with positivity, read inspiring stories of successful individuals, and strive to emulate their winning behaviors. This process is a key part of real-world education, and you’re not going to find it in a conventional classroom.

So, keep feeding your mind with the good stuff, and remember, you’re just a few habits away from your version of success!

Step 3: Get a Grip on the World Around You

Understanding Finances & the Economy: It’s often said, “Money makes the world go round.” Picture the world as a sort of economic jungle, where money becomes your primary tool for survival and influence.

Knowing about the economy, fractional reserve banking, inflation, assets, and liabilities is incredibly important. It’s equally vital to learn how to protect your money from inflation and taxes and how to sidestep unnecessary future expenses.

Guard Your Assets: Most governments worldwide have the power to seize your assets, freeze your bank account, or revoke your passport. It’s like playing a giant game of chess with your assets and the ability to live anywhere you want is your queen piece.

The knowledge to secure and diversify your assets in different locations is a power move that gives you an edge over the majority of the world’s population. Get familiar with obtaining multiple drivers’ licenses, passports, and bank accounts from different countries.

Also, get to know the world a little better. Brush up on your geography and deepen your understanding of diverse cultures, religions, and legal systems. This knowledge is like your game plan, helping you decide where to relocate if needed.

Navigating Rumors and Politics: The world is filled with a myriad of viewpoints, from religious beliefs to political ideologies and lifestyle choices. Amidst these diverse mindsets, it’s crucial to stay centered and not get swayed by unnecessary distractions.

Remember, success often comes to those who keep their eyes on the prize and maintain their focus. So, learn to place your faith in the right things, steer clear of negativity, and master your mind. Remember to always hold the reins of your thoughts and keep your intellectual prowess at its peak!

Step 4: Embrace Technology

Become a Futurist: Aim to be forward-thinking by keeping yourself updated with current developments, continually learning, and pondering deeply about the trajectory of our world. You could delve into areas such as renewable energy, economics, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, and more.

This might seem overwhelming, but there’s an abundance of brilliant minds constantly sharing insights about these topics that you can learn from.

Spot Opportunities: Since time immemorial, there have always been fresh opportunities sprouting up across all life domains, including business.

During my less affluent days, I assumed everyone was in the same boat, struggling financially. But, if you take a moment to observe, you’ll see the houses, shops, and businesses all around you, owned by someone who profits from them.

People across the world, in peaceful or war-torn countries alike, own homes and run businesses. There’s always room for growth and potential for prosperity.

Stay Current: Learning is a never-ending journey; you should be perpetually on the lookout for fresh information and avenues to upgrade yourself and your understanding of the world.

When you’re up-to-speed with the latest internet platforms, smartphone technologies, camera advancements, and more, you might discover ways to profit from these novel technologies.

These could open doors for you to increase your wealth, better safeguard yourself, and become an improved version of you.

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