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The New Era Of AI And Coaching

There is a term called “double your brain”.

With the use of technology, or more specifically AI.

I said technology because there are software out there like Obsidina or Roam which is used as a second brain.

You can take notes, connect topics, and create a mental map of your notes.

Over time, it might be useful, although I’m still figuring them out.

We all know we are in this attention economy and creator’s economy.

Years ago you needed office establishment, staff, big ideas, and advertising ads on the newspaper or TV channels to get your business running and be profitable.

Now we have personal brands and solopreneurs who can run multi-million dollar companies alone, all alone with monthly costs of less than $100.


With the help of the internet, social media, content creation, and adding value to others.

But what’s the core of all those personal brands?

If we dig deep, they are all coaches… that’s right, online coaches.

They have massive outreach all around the globe, and no matter where they are, they just need a laptop and an internet connection to run their business.

Maybe coaching in this form is another lucrative business for another 5 to 10 years down the road.

Well, online coaching has been around for many years, but AI is accelerating it with the speed of sound.

The other day I was doing some research on the history of communication. This stuff fascinates me. helps me to zoom out and see the bigger picture.

It’s like a satellite view of a road map, of where we are heading.

Around 5,000 years ago we used to write a message on a piece of stone, carve it, and give it to someone to deliver it miles away from us, that was the medium of communication.

Very ineffective and time-consuming, but that was a start.

Then years later humans invented papyrus, morse code, radio, telephone, etc.

If you look at the time gap between those technologies, there are gaps like 1000 years. That was the speed of advancement.

But you know what? 

AI 10x every year — yeah 10x, every single year.

That’s how fast the age of information and communication is changing.

Just look at how far we have come since 2016 until now, google Translate, ChatGPT, etc.

So whether we like it or not, AI is accelerating everything, from content creation to movie production, information spread, and thinking.

Art, music, communication, teaching and you name it.

In my view, I don’t see AI as something bad, it’s just a fascinating technology to double our productivity.

But the important thing is people are sensing these rapid changes in speed.

Things are moving faster, the quality of information is improving, business models are changing, and there are more remote works now than at any time in the history of mankind.

All those changes are happening rapidly.

And to learn something the fastest way is to hire a coach, that’s why coaching is in high demand now and is going to be in higher demand in the future.

There is a saying, you either pay by your time or money.

So people are willing to pay someone who is 10 steps ahead of them, learn from that person, and save time.

Because we don’t have time, we need to be established and catch up.

Of course, everyone can learn anything by himself online, try and error, until you get it.

There is a ton of information on the internet about anything. But all are time-consuming.

There are teenagers on the internet, with as little as 6 months of experience in any topic who are charging customers more than $250 per hour. 

Just to ask them a few questions and share their experience with them.

Simple, easy, and nice.

That’s the price a specialist charges after many years of studying at university and being a Dr.

Do you see where we are going?

I believe this trend of fast achieving and instant gratification is becoming a culture.

People want things fast, want it now, they want to be able to bypass all failures and do everything the right way.

Without killing time or trying the wrong approaches.

The good news is, you can be a coach of anything, pick your expertise, and your interest, and double down on that.

If you are a plumber, carpenter, teacher, artist, musician, or anything you can turn that knowledge into $.

Create high-quality content with AI, grow on one of the social media platforms, advertise your services, and start coaching others.

There are 2 types of coaching.

Either you know something (Native language, specialist, experience)

or you have done something, you got your proof online (social media page as your resume) and can coach others.

I saw people on Twitter teaching Spanish and charging others monthly, just because Spanish is their native language.

All I’m observing is, AI pushes things to move faster, faster than before. 

Coaching and teaching others to save time is a lucrative business model that compliments AI changes.

That’s what I’m trying to get into for the next couple of years.

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The New Era Of AI And Coaching

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