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Use Your Attention To Grab Others’ Attention

Human attention is vital.

Where there is no attention nothing will happen.

Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car.

Easy to spot opportunities when you are always thinking of opportunities.

If human attention is on something, every door in the universe will open, if that attention is keen and intense enough.

Where your attention is your energy is, and your energy follows your attention.

If everything in the universe is energy then directing and controlling our attention is a way of manifestation.

but this is for you as a personal brand owner.

But how about if you want to use your attention, to grab other’s attention?

The advertising and marketing game is all about attention.

Social media has figured this out, they understand that everything is about attention.

In some miracle way, we humans can direct our attention, and we can be in control of our thinking.

What happens is thinking happens automatically, we think we are in control of it, but unintentionally from time to time we are thinking of other things.

But we can control it and direct our thinking intentionally if we want to.

But the fact that we can get the attention of others, direct it, and channel it that’s game-changing for business.

This is the power.

When someone is in a problem or challenging situation and those problems have their attention, intentionally or unintentionally that’s where your message and marketing should talk to them.

They can’t control the fact that it got their attention.

So when we post on social media, send newsletters or anything, we should talk to that part of them which is paying attention.

Your clients are going through issues in life, they need to lose weight, they are in a fight with their partner, they want to start a business, etc.

Whatever their problem is.

If your marketing message talks directly to where they pay attention their attention gets marshaled and challenged to what you are saying.

Most people when they start an online business, advertising or marketing don’t get this.

They think they are advertising themself, they take a nice photo of themself, put it on their ads, and show how successful they are.

But that’s not what your clients care about…

Your potential clients care about the problems they are having

When I try to send out my message, I’m not trying to sound clever, be pushy, or show off.

What I’m trying to do is talk directly to those issues, problems, and frustrations that they have.

That part of their brain that intentionally or unintentionally pays attention to those issues 24/7.

This case is almost in all sorts of businesses.

So figure out what are the problems your clients are having right now. and what can i offer to solve that problem that grabs their attention.

You need to grab their attention long enough, so they can follow you, give you their email address, or visit your website.

So that I can what?

Follow up

Not to sell them straight away, not to be pushy.

Remember you are there to solve a problem, offer your solution.

The huge mistake that online coaches or marketing agents are making often is, that they are trying to sell on the first contact.

This is like asking a girl to sleep with you on the first date.

How much is better if you create an alist, a lot of prospects come and join your list, and you can follow up with them, add value daily, and build a connection.

If they see you can solve their problems, then they will buy your products or consulting services.

This way you can make 10x more money, than just asking them money on the first contact, without building a relationship.

this way you have to be thinking a little bit more strategically.

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