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Why Ego Is Good?

Back in 2015, I was experiencing days of loneliness and sorrow when I first got into the world of mindfulness and meditation.

The concept was entirely new to me but was extremely pleasing, and because it was new, it created curiosity in me. Meditation was giving me that sense of salvation, freedom, control over my mind, and being able to set myself calm at any time.

I remember the first time I was able to get my mind under control and be in the present moment, where I could feel like I was meditating. That was a spiritual moment. Every night since then, I’ve craved the fragrance of burning incense in my chamber, a rope around my neck, and a peaceful time to meditate. Indeed, it was quite addicting.

I kept meditating for a while, until 2019. Then I combined it with Yoga and listening to mantras, which made this journey go faster. Later on, I learned about non-duality and ego death.

In my perspective, ego was associated with suffering, and I realized that to prevent pain, you must eliminate your ego. This wisdom and sound in my head kept on talking — the realization that “You are nothing, were not born, and will not die. You are not this or that; you are a soul, and nothing affects or kills it since it is not physical and does not belong in this physical world.”

For a while, everything was calm, life was easy, nothing bothered me, and even the yoga practice didn’t feel pain because I was so present and focused that I didn’t think of any pain.

But I wasn’t achieving anything in terms of success or personal growth in my life. I wasn’t the best version of myself. I had this mindset of grounding, relaxing, letting go, not sticking to anything, and non-attachments; honestly, nothing was bothering me at all.

I had two options: become a monk and live in Himaliays, or stop what I was doing and return to the life of grinding and achieving.

I’m not going to lie; looking back, either of those options was good.

In the end, we all die, and nothing materialistic matters in this world.

The Importance Of Ego

The spiritual community promotes self-love while emphasizing that the ego is the source of all ills. They have failed to grasp that self-love is equivalent to a healthy ego.

As men, we live in a competitive world where money, family, and taking care of your loved ones are important. If you don’t have an ego, pursuing, standing up for, and fighting for your ideas or beliefs is challenging.

I chose to go this way, and I stopped killing my ego.

Maybe this is what I’m supposed to do with my life, or maybe I should have stuck with mindfulness.

Personality is shaped by ego, and a man without personality is doomed to fail (unless, of course, you choose to let go of all of your ties to this world and concentrate only on the development of your soul, which, after all, is the point of this existence? I’m not sure).

I consider ego to be a tool that your mind may employ to push things in a progressive direction. If you don’t have it, you will wander about with no purpose. People with big egos just have big personalities and a strong sense of self.

The ego has been given a poor reputation by the media, which is a gross misrepresentation of how people are. Individuals who make use of their egos to become the very best versions of themselves are capable of having a positive impact on the communities in which they live. They do great deeds, provide others with good advice, and look out for the welfare of their family and friends.

When it comes to pushing towards your goals, ego is required.

Since there will be individuals who attempt to undermine your objectives or bring you down, your ego is what motivates you to achieve them. You need that ego to fight back because those naysayers will attempt to keep you from achieving your goals until you prove them wrong. Otherwise, they will walk over you because they cannot see the evidence.

The great Jay-Z once said, “Sometimes you need your ego. You’ve got to remind these fools who they f’**g with.”

E.G.O. = Existentially Gained Observation

Sigmund Freud recognized that it accounts for one-third of your personality.

Ego death is just a loss of self.

If you ever find yourself doubting whether you can make it through a challenge, simply think back to everything you’ve overcome in the past.

Ego and Self-Belief

Having a big ego is necessary to believe in yourself.

Over the years, the word ego has been used to mean something negative or evil. Anytime one tries to defend their position over an unwanted situation, they’re considered or regarded as having a big ego, which means “proud” or “arrogant”.

From the definition of ego, as given by Google or other Wikipedias, it’s simply “a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance”. This quality is very important for anyone who is aspiring to be great.

Ego is only said to be bad when one overly exults themselves above a limit that makes one unteachable.

My ego drives me to never give up.

It’s like that fire inside of me that, although it may seem like the flame is burning hotter some days than others, feels empowering and physically makes me stronger.

I imagine my ego as a dragon. You tame it, not murder it.

There is a difference between ego and self-esteem. Both are necessary, ego keeps you hungry, and self-esteem makes you happy with what you have and with who you are.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said: “The greatest danger occurs at the moment of victory.”

Egoistical Men VS. Morons

Your ego demands that you justify it. Moronos who have an inflated sense of self-importance are incapable of learning, arrogant, and contribute nothing positive to society.

Your ego should be pushing you toward being a better person daily rather than holding you back and preventing you from learning and developing. Ego does not equate to being overconfident.

Jordan Peterson said your ego should be on par with reality, and I agree.

Everything has a purpose. Our ego is part of us.

I tell every guy to get a big ego and to already have one.

Then do what you can to help your ego stay strong. It doesn’t matter what it is; you can name every job in the world for anyone, even a fisherman. If you have a big ego and truly believe you are the best fisherman there is, go out and try to catch the biggest fish. You could go out later than everyone else.

You could work harder than everyone else or try out new ways to catch fish. You could get up early if you had to. To prove you’re the man, you need to catch the biggest fish. 

It doesn’t matter what it is. If you think you’re the best at something, you’ll work harder on it than if you don’t think that way. 

I adore arrogant individuals. I like people who have big egos because they work the hardest to keep them.

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